So, it's 2020 and my last post was in 2017. So basically, I am bad with this whole blogging thing. 😅
I've always had good intentions for this space. Regular blogs about all sorts, mostly travel and food (definitely food because who doesn't love food?!).
I've got a number of drafts sitting there waiting to be finished, all started with good intentions.
Plus a bunch of photos, well more than a bunch, to go with those posts.
I guess it's similar to social media and why I also suck at that.
Probably comes down to the fact that I am a big over thinker. I'll write something and re-read it multiple times to make sure it's sounding perfect, perfect in terms of grammatically correct but also is it sounding 'cool'. Though I kind of despise the current speaking trends of the moment.
If I am being frank, I absolutely hate people using AF and well as the trend to be so nonchalant about things. As if you're way too cool to write a proper caption, or too cool for the subject you are writing about.
It's not me, it will never be me. I'm okay with that. But I still over think about what I say.
You can bet I am over thinking writing about this haha, but with each year I get older I care a little bit less. Not in the way you think, I still care a whole lot. Some say I care too much about things.
I am starting to care less about what people think and focus on what makes me happy, staying true to myself rather than trying to be someone else so people can like me. Because it is exhausting doing that.
Maybe this is what they say when you get older, wiser, more sure of yourself.
Anyway, with all that rambling, all I wanted to say is that I keen to get back on this bandwagon. I can't guarantee it being a regular thing. Or that it will be good. But it'll be somewhere to share things from the perspective of, well, just an average aussie woman. I'm no one special, but hopefully what I share is helpful or interesting to someone out there.
Big hugs,